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About Company RF3WORLD

RF3 World CEO

Welcome to RF3 World. Combination of energy and experience the best management of various fields, specially in the world of networking and  backbone of the company success.

RF3 World has managed to dominate the market and will expand into international market in the near future.
Business opportunities provided by RF3 World leaders and entrepreneurs will improve quality of life and achieve personal transformation and change in the revolution of the mind. It also aims to realize your dream of becoming the greatest leader in the world of networking.

In addition to providing quality products and mobile business platform, RF3 World also creating  Academy under the leadership of Mr. Jamal Haji No to create a " Millionaire In The Making ", which is the quality leader, knowledgeable, qualified and well respected. It also aims to foster teamwork, determination, have the strong affection in building Isiah themselves with the motto " Born A Champion ".

In no real sense of success and wealth without the courage and sacrifice. Nothing is impossible to successfully become a millionaire in RF3 World. The most important in the fight to win.

Finally from me, let us together to change lives by becoming entrepreneurs and millionaires  in RF3 World.


Thank you.
Nazeri Omar
President RF3 World


RF3 World is e-commerce company that is developing advanced quality of beauty products and  provide business platform for all groups. The newly established company in 2013 accepted by  public for providing products of high quality and simple business concept and a good profit as well as member of the management team with experience from various fields.

Products distributed  by the RF3 World,with the motto of " Let Your Beauty Shine Inside Out " has a major impact to users with amazing effects. RF3 World products include external and internal beauty which is very effective in the short term. FirMax 3 is spearhead cream product and the first in Malaysia to use therapeutic methods of the natural plant materials from various countries and processed using Nano technology for strengthen  skin. SoulMax3 are beverage products using  7 technology from 6 countries aimed at improving the dead cells and acts as an antioxidant . The combination of internal and external product produces a very positive effect on the skin, the freshness of the body, the mind and the most important for a healthy life.

Besides great products, RF3 World also share the business opportunities to all groups to become entrepreneurs to raise living standards. This business opportunity is very simple and only requires a small capital and generate profits doubled. After two months on the sidelines, RF3 World has successfully expanded its business throughout the country, including Sabah and Sarawak. RF3 World also expended their business opportunity to asean countries . The combined result of a great product and efficient management, RF3 World has grown rapidly in a short time.

To produce a quality entrepreneur, RF3 World established the RF3 Academy headed by Mr. Jamal Haji Noh who extensive experience as a mentor to motivate and input to become a successful entrepreneur, knowledgeable and quality. The course provided very useful for those who want to gain knowledge and improve self-esteem as a successful entrepreneur and millionaire distinction.

Mohd Nizam Abdul Manap

Vise President (Operation)

Background and expertise in the legal field make him one of paramount in RF3 World company operations.

He was also entrusted with the responsibility of the Finance Division of  company in addition to the matters related legislation.

Interestingly, he also has experience in the field of multi-level marketing is favorable to himself cooperate in managing the operations of the RF3 World with the other directors.

Dato Sri Nazeri Omar

President RF3 World

Born in Felda Bukit Puchong, Triang, Pahang has extensive experience in marketing and business management.

In addition to ever become a millionaire in this multi-level direct sales business,

He has also been involved in the import-export business, construction, financial services and trading.

On his experience and expertise in the field of marketing, he was appointed Marketing Director of a direct sales company Bumiputera.

Want to help your friends make her get ahead in business with partners moving direction by establishing Revorfirm and RF3 World Resources Sdn Bhd

Shamsul Bahari

Vise President (Marketing)

Enforcement officers in a former Town Council also has extensive experience in the field of multi-level marketing.

He has tasted success in multi-level marketing based business and has business network throughout Malaysia.

The underlying business had previously changed his attitude and thoughts of ordinary workers in the government sector turned into an incredible human.

Dr Hasrizan Hassan

(Product Development Director)

His knowledge and extensive experience in alternative medicine helps him to undertake the task as people involved in research and product development.

Knowledge and expertise that he had over the years has helped the company in terms of product development as well as conducting research for the improvement and development of future products.

Vision & Mission

Towards providing a platform to the entrepreneurs who are interested to venture into business online or offline to give good profit with minimal capital even though no business premises and equipment, as well as high management skills and can be done anytime and anywhere.

Gouged and maximize the potential of creating a society in which the majority of business competitiveness, progress and cemerlang.Dengan this can reduce poverty, creating a society that is a great, healthy and prosperous.

Business Preview

Financial problems or financial pressure is a situation where money worries are causing you stress. Many people are facing hard financial times and the impact on mental health can be significant. These problems can seem impossible to overcome, but you can get help and take steps to improve your situation.

Everyone has the goal to have a comfortable home with family in addition to capacity requirements to have sufficient savings to face an uncertain future.

But it's not an easy goal to achieve if only rely on salaried employment only. RF3 World provides an opportunity for you to achieve financial freedom and change lives.

Opportunities for all ages

No matter who you are or your background, RF3 opportunity is for all ages.

A unique product

RF3 provides a very unique product for you to earn income by starting step as a distributor.

Potential market

The potential market is too broad because the company RF3 RF3 World is pioneering the production of hormone therapy in addition to the multi-purpose products that are unique. The opportunity to explore the market without restrictions through networking.

Long-term marketing plan

RF3 business plan is to help members enjoy a long-term income. RF3 provide a plan that is fair, practical and easy to reach without any pressure.

Opportunities to improve themselves

RF3 provide opportunities for you to enhance self-development by learning a variety of skills to build a business from the ground, communication skills, sales and marketing, organizational and leadership skills as well as skills training and guiding others to become entrepreneurs.

RF3 World
Penetrates the 25 countries market

RF3 World has successfully captured the market and will expand to international markets in the near future. Business Opportunities provided by RF3 leaders and entrepreneurs will improve the quality of life and achieve to be the greatest leader in the world of networking.

Meet Our Roll Gallery

A lot is happening at RF3 World. We want to share it with you. 


  1. Hi I'm from Nigeria, I want to be a distributor, help me please

  2. I am vikram Haryana sy I am also fr3 crem business start I'd are not starting , help me company

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